Sunday 3 February 2013

Saya dan Boyfriend saya

ne gambar tahun 2012 awal tahun
Ini saya n boyfriend saya... kami sudah menjalinkn hubungan selama 2 tahun 1 bulan.. Kira lama juga tu kn?

Hubungan yg sebelum ne cuma bertahan paling lama pn 2 minggu ja.. Sa hrp hubungan yg ne boleh kekal smpai bila2.. Ber pn kami ne kdg2 x sehaluan n byk pergaduhan atas sebab2 yg tertentu... Tapi kami sedar yg kami ne saling memerlukan antara 1 sama lain... 

Bukan senang mau bercinta ne.. Byk liku2 dia jg... tidak semua org boleh mengekalkan hubungan smpai ke alam rumah tangga... Tapi saya akan cuba mengekalkan hubungan kami ne.. Biarpun byk liku2 kehidupan yg trpaksa kami lalui... seperti pasangn yg lain.. ada yg cemburu, benci.. Kami pn mcm tu juga... Tapi kami masing2 cuba utk menghilangkn perasaan cemburu tu dgn cara kami sendiri... Kamu yg ada psangn tu cuba la memahami hati budi masing2, siapa tau dia la jodoh kamu d masa akan dtg... 

Walaupn jodoh tu d tgn Tuhan, kita x semestinya terus menunggu n berharap akan keajaiban... Kmu mesti berusaha jg... jgn mgharapkn durian runtuh saja.. kalau durian runtuh pn tp sudah ditebuk tupai.. masalah jg kn? Betul tidak? huhuhu... 

ne gambar tahun 2012 dkt hujung2 tahun

Ini saya dgn adik2 boyfriend saya.... Dorang ne sgt sporting... hehhee... Ne gambar kmi ambk time ada kahwin di kg kapaa, tamparuli.. Yg lelaki nama dia Eby Eryie, yg perempuan nama dia Efa Syafhira... Cute kn dorang? hehhe.. Yg tengah tu of course la saya... Saya syg dorang ne mcm keluarga kandung sa sendiri,...Apa2 pn yg penting hubungan sa n boyfriend sa berkekalan la... x mcm kisah2 cinta saya dulu yg bertahan paling lama pn 2 minggu ja.. huhuh... Sebab saya yg tinggalkn dorang.. Sepa suru geteh sgt mau ambk kesempatan... blum pn ada pa2... huhuhu... Jangan ja dorang tbaca ne.. mati sa nanti.. hahhahah!.. Btw.. rileks la walaupn tbaca... Ne dua org d sebelah sa ne da lama sa knl... sejak sa form 5 lg... tu pn sa blum bsama boyfriend saya lagi.. lum ada jodoh kn.. hehhe... apa boleh buat la... Dulu saya suka org lain.. Skrg sa syg sgt dgn dia... n family dia... Sa hrp drg pn syg sa mcm sa syg drg jg.. hehe... k tu ja buat sementara ne.. x boleh panjang2 sgt..

Tuesday 23 August 2011

How I Meet EE.. Hehehehe..... 1.11.2010

              Hahahaha... Malu juga mau ingat balik kisah2 lma ne..... Tp erm, pa ble buat.. tetap ingat jg balik 2 pristiwa... Erm, lu x silap, sa knl ne org time sa form 3.. time 2 sa bdk nakal2 d class.. huhuhu... Erm, time 2 jg sa ne jenis yg x suka couple2.. hahaha! (mcm x ble pcya kn) Tp mmg btl pn...
             Berbalik kpd cerita, EE ne budak bru d class sebelah... Kmi 1class pn time gabungan Pendidikan Moral jak.. Wow.. time 2 sa mmg x perasan btl kwujudan dia.. Sa x ambk kesah sgt sb time 2 sa mmg ada org yg sa minat... Erm... Time form4 plak kmi terkena 1class... Yg sa kelucuan ne, dia mau bckp dgn sa, tp sa plak kc 'kuyak' dia.. hahahahah!!! Tp sa x perasan plak,, bru skrg sa tau semua d sebalik cerita2 lma 2..( dia bgtau suma ne time kmi uda couple)

            Time uda biz SPM... Sa krja d studio dad EE... Tp time 2 sa xda lgsung perasaan dgn dia coz sa minat dgn org len.. Org yg sa rapat btl... Time 2 EE pn ada gf jg.. jd sa kurang layan dia sb tkt ada org slh fhm.. huhuhuu..... Time 2 kmi kira rapat ckit la.. hee.. Pas ambk result SPM.. Sa dpt tau yg dia dpt masuk form6... Jd kmi sma2 la masuk.. (sa pn lupa da, antara sa or dia yg ajak masuk form6, hahaha... Pnh jd isu kmi gduh jg ne)..
            Erm, masa bru masuk form 6 ne, sa uda bjanji dgn dia yg sa akn ajar dia... n sama2 masuk class yg sama... tp sygnya sa x minat dgn subject yg dia plh... Jd sa tpksa lggar janji sa 2.. huhuhuhu.. (sorry EE)
          Erm... Bbrp lma pas 2.. sa tercouple dgn org yg sa rapat 2... Sa mmg cinta mati jg dgn 2 org time 2... Tp sa sgt skt hati bla sa nmpak d fb dia yg dia SINGLE... Mcm sa syok sndri plak ada relationship tau... D sana la sa nangis2 ja tiap2 mlm.... dia plak rajin btl crita psl pmpuan len... (mcm kmi ne xda pa2 bh bg dia).. Sa rsa menyesal jg dpt org mcm 2.... 

          Sampai la pada 1.11.2010, c EE bw sa couple... Ceritanya gne..,

Masatgh hari 2, sa d class entah buat buduh kali,.. Tba2 ada org pgil sa, dia blg c EE pgil sa... Sa pn susun beg la coz time 2 pn masa mo pulang da... Sa pg la tmpt dia.. pas 2 kmi sma2 turun pg d blik muzik... Sa tggu2 respon dr dia.. (sb dia ckp ada sesuatu dia mo gtau sa)
          Tp ngam2 time 2 mum dia pgil.. mau pulang da.. Jd dia x tckp la... huhuhuh... sa pn agak bingung jg,.... Time 2 sa ada bw hp g school wlupn kmi ne kna larang bw hp... sa plak berjawatan pngawas time 2... (huhuhu,, pngawas nakal....) Erm, time dia uda nek kereta, sa sms dia.. kmi brgurau2 la....
Blk2 dia ckp I LOVE U dgn sa.... tp 2 pn men2 jak.. Pas 2 giliran sa lg kc kna dia.. hahahaha....!! Lucu la lu ingat blk... Sa pn ckp la I LOVE U too... Tba2 dia sma, "meh kta couple.." Sa sgka dia men2 ja dgn sa...(tp dia gtau mmg men2 la, tp sa ja agp serius ne) Trus sa blg.. "ko ber btl ne!" dia bls,"btl ne. sa x men2.." Erm.. Pa lg sa pn terdiam kjap.... Dpd men2 trus sa jd serius ne... wakakakaakakak!!!!
            Sampai d rmh ja sa bfikir... 'patut kh sa sma ne org?' Mula2 2 sa tolak coz dia mc ada gf... Dia bw sa scandal.. Sa x mau... Sb sa syg btl dgn yg 1... Erm... akhirnya sa buat 1 kputusan.... Sa kc break yg 1 n sa trima dia.. Tp time 2 sa x jg ada prasaan dgn dia.. ada pn ckit..5% ja mungkin.... huhuhuhhu.....

             Tp pas 2 byk mslh yg timbul... Gf dia kc buruk2 sa...(sepatutnya uda break,tp c EE kna ugut.. jd dia ckp kmi tpksa bsbr dlu....) Sa tpksa bsbr ja la.... sgup sa pndah dr form 6 gara2 sa xmau prkara jd makin rumit.... so sa bt kputusan trima tawarn masuk UiTM K.K... 2 adalah sebab yg sbnr.... Tp sa x sgup gtau sb sa x mau ingat masa lalu lg.... huhuhhu.... kin skt hti ja.... Lu la kmi couple secara bgs kn.. x mgkin sa kc tgal form6 oo.. :'(
             Pa ble buat la.. sa tpksa trima knyataan..... Hari2 sa rndu sgt dgn dia.. Rindu mau mati....
Tp smpai skrg kmi always together whatever disaster... Hrp2 hubungn kmi brkekalan la... Sa Boring da mau ada bf bru.... sa boring lu ada 'environment' bru,..(I mean, setiap kali kta knla dgn org yg bru.. kta tpksa mula dr awal.. mau knl gaya2 n sifat2 dia,... sgt boring lu mcm 2) So sa mau kc kekal yg ne... Sa mau mengenali dalam2 sifat2 EE... Ber pn 70% gaya dia adalah gaya yg sa x suka.. Tp sa tetap syg dgn dia smpai bla2... 
I LOVE U FOREVER EE..... MUUaaahhhhhhhhhhhxX!!!!!!!!!!! 


Monday 11 July 2011

The Abandoned Theme Park (Chapter 13)

The next few days passed and even though it was quite early I decided to have a go at crutches, I sat up in my bed and stretched an arm out to the handle of my left crutch, I had never worn crutches before so it never occurred to me they were upside down before I actually bothered to read the manual, a few minutes went by, then a few hours then maybe it was twelve hours, just maybe! Don't tell anyone! I hopped out of the living room and accidentally kicked the coffee table still littered with the empty milk cartons and cereal bowls from my brothers pig appetite in the morning, a slither of milk led from my brothers mouth to the table as I saw him sleep over a mug labeled "Samuels icky cup" from when he was five and I was two. His hand brushed against the frayed edges of the sofa cushion.

I flicked open the screen of my phone to see five missed calls and several messages like "Heyy bbe come 2 school! U missed out on the day when that guy from maths asked me out! Lol! Just come bak, all missing u x" etc. I called Ariana and filled her in that I was heading to school for the last two lessons of the day, you could just hear the screams of delight from my posse that wore hoodies and bright blue streaks in their hair. Well that's the story of my brothers stay anyway. When I got home after school? A whole different story!

Well after I hobbled into school I was attacked... By a group of screeching rebels, "oh my gosh Olivia Michelle Newman! How long were you going to keep us waiting?" Barked Charlie, "oh well I suppose I'm not going back into hospital then mister Charles Joshua Ice-water!" I joked.

A few more of my loving fans like the school slags came to fiddle with my tie the main one says "seriously I know your disabled now but your tie? Way spacky Olivia!" And other comments like "babez you're so lucky, I saw some chocolates on your desk this morning and I was like 'eww carbs that's so gross' so I threw them at the nerd on level two!" and " do you remember that guy from that time when we sent that email to the guy in that shop" my reply to the last one was "ooh the one that gave me that dress from that shop next to that shop?" reply: "yeah that one!" mine: "ooh what about him?" hers: "he came to our school and filled every space that you stood ever with roses that's the whole of the sixth form centre the road and the school itself!" my response to everything that was said was something either hard, something girly, something not bothering or something sympathetic, or just simply something random!

My first period was Music, we have it in an I.T room so we have stuff that keeps us occupied, our beloved ipods, and sometimes like that day we get to get our phones out, special days like the return of the rebel popular girl. A whole hour passed leaving me a few minutes to catch up with the teacher, Mr Hasditach, I know weird name right but he is my uncle, well was anyway.

I left hastily to head to my next lesson and on the way I saw the boy I had been longing for since I got out of the hospital, Chris, he was heading out a classroom laughing with the some of the people that were hanging round me at the start of school. He raked a hand through his mop of hair when he saw me. I smiled politely and waved a hand, he seemed much taller than when he was in the wheelchair, he was wearing an average fit guy outfit and I could tell by his eyes that he was glad to see me. I stuffed my hands back in my hoodie pocket and shuffled off linking arms with Ariana to the next deathly lesson.

Through the corridors random teens were passing me spreading rumors that a crazy hobo ran me over. Partly that was true, someone ran me over the guy that did it was probably a hobo actually, its like 50% who knows? "Is that the guy" Asked Araina, locking her arm inside mine. "yeah" I whispered, just waiting to get out of earshot...

The Abandoned Theme Park (Chapter 12)

I laid in the hospital bed for a few days and then my nurse said I could finally move around out of the bed... in a wheelchair. Most days in the hospital bed were plain and boring, seeing the same people come and go outside the dorm, nights were cold and lifeless, dark and damp, sinister and solemn, until one morning when someone special came, After a cloudy and motionless dream I woke up to find someone in the hospital bed next to mine, I surprisingly nice looking boy, he looked exactly like Will but something about him made me think that he was related but not the same. Suddenly Will waltzed through the door and rushed to sit by the boys bed side, he looked at me, limp on the bed and ever so slightly I saw the look of pity in his eyes. He turned his head back towards the injured boy and stroked his mop of mousse brown hair. "I never thought id see you again Livvy!" mumbled Will, swiveling round to fix his eyes on my bruises and cuts, and the drip, rocking in the air from the hook, and my pulse, extremely slowly beeping in time to a random beat of duh.... duh.... duh.... etc.

"Listen Will, we shouldn't be together, I was wro-" he cut me off and yelled "what we had was a joke and I know that! You don't have to wind me up by saying that classic line 'its not you its me' I just came round a few days ago to find you to say that its over! Just face it Livvy! I ended it before you ended it! Just face the damn facts!" He turned round back to the boy and said silently "Its okay little brother, its okay..." I drifted from dream to dream that night screaming in my sleep every time as so much as an evil eyebrow was raised.

The next day I lifted my bandaged leg onto the wheelchair and made my way into the waiting area where my brother Sam sat reading a copy of Cosmo magazine. He leaped up when he saw me in my hoodie and skinny jeans wheeling my way out of the dorm leaving Will to sit and glare at me for so much as a second before looking at his brother. I looked behind my shoulder to see Will chatting to my nurse and the boy next to me mounting onto a wheelchair.

Hastily and very neatly I applied a rosy shade of eye-shadow, a pinky shade of blusher and some startlingly blood red lippy with lashes frantically attacked with dark black mascara and silver eye-liner. I neatly smoothed down the top of my hoodie and waited till Will marched out, holding the back of is brothers wheelchair, his brother looked at me and smiled an adorable smile that made my heart melt like ice cream on a hot day. He whispered in my ear silently "Hi I'm Chris! Who are you?" I answered just as quiet "I'm Olivia, but you can call me Livvy if you want to," Will stopped to talk to Sam and they had their own conversation while me and Chris spoke about things. "So why is such a pretty girl like you in a gross wheelchair like that?" he asked cheekily.

I told him my story and in return he said with a shiver in his voice "My brother was testing out a motor bike he was fixing up and he accidentally ran me over when I tried to had him his lunch, the hit was so big that it threw me onto the busy roads and a lorry came too fast round the corner and the nurse said I was very strong and that I almost got up before I collapsed under the rubber tyres of the lorry." Will shoved Chris' wheelchair away from me and headed out the door with Chris waving friendly to me. I thought I had finally met that random swishy haired weirdo that appreciated my 'don't care, never will' look.

Once I had finally made myself get in I found my brother was mumbling to himself... weird right? My eyes went round as saucers as he fumbled with the strip of metal streaked across the coffee table, he ended his whisper when I barked at him "uh Sammy is everything okay?" he snapped out of his confusion, fell into his comfort zone and wheezed out of shiny white teeth "everything's fine, I was talking into my ear piece to the office I-" I interrupted him suddenly by saying "ooh fancaay! You work in an office now? Why didn't you call me or anything you know I'm going through a tough time at school..." I trailed off and suddenly shot up again, like a signal gun at sea "oh-my-gosh! I've missed a week at school! This is bad! I was meant to be sitting one of the many failed tests that I failed last year! NO!!! no no NO! This cant be happening! Its going to be on my full report of my whole school! Oh fudge-cake!!!!- I broke my nail, one moment Sam!" I wish I could have marched proudly into the bathroom to retrieve my nail file and cutters but I weakly rolled my chair in disgust into the bathroom and lucky me! The door slammed right in my face! Talk about the worst family reunion like ever!

The Abandoned Theme Park (Chapter 11)

"So I see you and Will didn't get very far eh?" was the first thing Jake said to me, I shook my head, letting Ariana stretch her arm across my back to get the remote. I heard a knock and raced onto the balcony, I didn't like him, what did he think I wanted to leave his apartment for? A trip to the dentist? The suspense was deathly until Jake distracted him by saying he was going to be late for a blind date he set up for him.

Ariana sighed "yeah, and she's already left the apartment to go shopping with a few of her friends, sorry you couldn't catch her..." they slammed the door in his face after a short conversation of random stuff and snuggled back up on the sofa, I crawled back in from the amazing view and collapsed again onto the sofa. "Its school in four hours Ariana, your first day of school so you can change into a more decent outfit," said Jake lovingly, I paced round until charlie stepped out of the kitchen, I didn't say a word to him but he could tell by my face that I had plenty of things I would like to have said to him but I just couldn't find the strength. The words "where's Ellie?" died unspoken in my mouth as I saw a streak of blonde hair come flying past the kitchen window. "uh hi Livvy," I looked at him in disgust- how dare he call me by my nickname! "oh Charlie Olivia doesn't want you to call her by her nickname because of what happened with you and Ellie and what happened with Olivia and Will..." she drifted off realizing that I hadn't told him about will "there's a guy?" yelled Charlie "I dumped Ellie for you and you betray me!"

I couldn't believe how selfish he was being! I hated him! I rushed into my room, tears streaming down my eyes. Charlie screamed and flung open my door, his eyes were fiery red and his nose was creased up and angry, he grabbed me by my wrist and marched me out the door, he dragged me down the stairs and out through the door, outside the hotel was a very busy road, lots of cars came by in a short amount of time and it was hard to cross unless you could whistle with your fingers in your mouth. He dragged me outside and grabbed onto my hand as he crossed the dangerous road, weaving in and out of where the cars were, I brought my heels to a stop in the middle of the road and pulled my tired wrist away "no! I don't want to be grabbed!Let go of me!"He carried walking glaring back at me and then a drunk driver came speeding round the corner, all I remember from that is that I stopped, turned round, heard Charlie scream over at me, a something gently ever so slightly pushing me.

I woke up in the hospital staring up at the ceiling, my head couldn't move that much but in the corner of my eyes I could see Ariana Jake Ellie and Charlie sitting in the chairs next to the bed.
I also noticed my brother pacing round in front of me, I sat up and groaned as I felt a sharp pain shoot up my leg. "Oh my gosh Olivia! Don't you ever scare me as much as that again!" My brother Sam was the first to speak, then Ariana "Livvy, you've been in the hospital for a long two weeks, you might need some rest,"
"Ariana if she gets any more rest she will be dead!" yelled Ellie, to be honest Ariana seemed like the most upset

"Olivia- I don't know what happened, you were turning round and a driver hit you, a lorry! A blooming Lorry! You are so lucky to be alive" Charlie cried, the nurse waltzed in "hey Olivia! You have been in a coma for two whole weeks, you must have had quite a shock when that lorry hit you, the whole hotel came out and mourned for you! They thought you were dead! Luckily St Johns hospital has nursed you back to health, you seem to have a broken bone in your leg so you will have to sit in a wheel chair for... five more weeks then after that crutches for two days to exercise your muscles before you're up and running!" Her positivity exampled the way she exited and I was left to speak to everyone, "have I really been asleep for two weeks?" I asked cautiously,
"And I was with you every hour of every day... baby" Sam explained, he came over to me and hugged me and cut off my blood supply.